Funding opportunity: IN-BIC Fellowships

The International Network for Bio-Inspired Computing is excited to announce applications are open for the next round of IN-BIC fellowships, with a deadline of January 27.

AccelNet International Network for Biologically-Inspired Computing (IN-BIC) project grants support students and postdocs to undertake new collaborative projects with network partners. IN-BIC is funded through the NSF AccelNet program (2019976).

Who is eligible? All students and postdocs that work at AccelNet IN-BIC partner institutions are eligible to apply for funding. Proposals are required to include a mentor from a partner network in a different country. US citizenship is not required.

What types of projects will be considered? Projects should address the goals of IN-BIC, by advancing our understanding of biologically-inspired computing and furthering international collaborations. We encourage students to pursue new collaborations and novel projects. Project proposals should cover a timeline of about 6 months, including a period of time where they are virtually embedded in their collaborating lab. (In future years, projects will include a period where students work in residence at the partner institution).

How much is the funding? Students will receive up to $10000, covering 3 months of salary at UW rates. The exact amount of funding will depend on the requested time and on the number of projects selected.

Participants will present their project at an IN-BIC network event.


NeuroAI Montreal


Next Neuroscience, AI, and Society seminar: Living with an aging mind: Personal, philosophical and practical considerations